Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Thisby is a small island, full of fisherman and horses, but there is something strange about it.  The sea that swirls around the island is full of capaill uisce, a strange breed of water horse.  Every November the horses surface, beautiful and deadly, hungry for blood.  The locals risk their lives, catching the horses, training them and then racing them in the most important of their traditions, the Scorpio Races.  It's a deadly game, filled with blood thirsty horses, men hungry for glory and death.  It is also Thisby's main form of income, drawing in eager mainlanders from miles around.

Sean Kendrick is an expert on the capaill uisce.  Having been trained from a young age, he has grown up feeling more connection with the horses than the people on the island.  He works for a local horse breeder, taking care of his horses and then riding in the races every November.  He's won four times and doesn't intend on losing this next one. 

Kate Connolly has two brothers, Finn and Gabe.  They live on the island of Thisby, working to stay alive.  Their parents were killed last November on the sea by one of the capall uisce.  Although terrified, Kate decides to enter the Scorpio Races when she finds out her eldest brother, Gabe, plans to leave the island.  They need the money and she hopes to persuade her brother to stay.  However, the town isn't quite thrilled to see a woman entering the races, especially since she intends to race with an island pony instead of a capall uisce.

Sean, first annoyed by Kate's presence in the races, comes to find her courage intriguing.  He persuades the men of the island to allow her to race.  They begin to train together, Sean on his capall uisce, Corr, and Kate on her island pony, Dove, giving each other the courage to fight for what they want.  Together, they find friendship, courage and love on the beaches of Thisby. 

The problem is only one of them can win the race and both their fates are tied to it.

Legend, folklore...whatever this book is, it's good.  I was intrigued from moment one.  The legend of the capaill uisce is unique and spell binding.  I loved the author's use of imagery and imagination.  She wove a beautiful tale, so detailed, I felt as if I was on the beaches of Thisby myself. 

Her characters all had personality and depth.  I loved the fact that I didn't necessarily like all of them and that didn't change throughout the book.  Too many times we believe books have to end with everyone being a good guy to be worth reading.  Not true and Maggie Stiefvater proves it. 

This is probably one of my favorite reads so far this year.  I would recommend it highly and have to admit I'm having a hard time getting the story out of my head. :)

Parents, the book is clean.  There are a few bloody scenes because of the nature of the sea horses but other than that its a wonderful story.  Love, love, loved it!!!


  1. oooh...sounds like a great read. Thanks for the review.

  2. Great review! Makes me want to read it!

  3. I found your blog through Kathleen Tresemer at In Print. I can't believe I'm saying this because I have three horses in my family of animals, but I want to read about the blood thirsty horses--because of your review. Great job. I'm now following you.

  4. I've had trouble moving around your site. Don't know if it's blogspot or my ipad, but thought you might like to know. I'd love to know a little more about you in your "about me."

  5. Hello Deborah!! I was actually quite surprised to see that someone visited this particular blog. I haven't published anything since 2011 on this site. I'm actually in the process of writing my own book and have teasers posted on a separate blog ( I would love to review more books but my writing has sort of taken over all my free time at the moment. I'm sorry the site was sketchy for you. I admit, once again, I haven't really check in on it for years. I will say that The Scorpio Races remains one my favorite books. It's such a beautiful literary work. Read it!! You won't regret it! Maybe once I get my book out, I'll resume my book reviews. Thanks for stopping by!!
